Any day now we should be getting a Hammer Event. Everyone’s favorite event 😀
Congratulations on the start of a new event! In honor of this, we give you hammers so that you can get acquainted with the new game Argonius “Search for Ice Treasures” as soon as possible. We wish you good luck and success!
Here are the new items we can expect. My source is VK. I ran them through Google Translate (from Russian, which frankly is all I think the game makers do, lol) and cleaned them up using my knowledge of typical wording.
As a bonus. Scroll to the bottom for leaks of the March Royal Challenge event new unique items.
Leaks are from VK group HC Guides.
Translated by Google Translate and edited by Foon.
Jewelry & Artifact
Artifact “Light of Lapland”
Triggers: Once in a while
Effect name: “Collecting power”No Rune:
When a fighter from any team dies, the owner of the artifact accumulates a charge. When {…} charges accumulate, the fighter will resurrect an ally with {…} health and put a shield on him that will block {…} any attacks.With Rune:
When a fighter from any team dies, the owner of the artifact accumulates a charge. When {…} charges accumulate, the fighter will resurrect an ally with {…} health and put a shield on him that will block {…} any attacks. Also, the damage of the resurrected fighter is increased by {…} for {…} s.
Amulet “Frost freshness”
Once in a while, when a fighter’s health drops to {…}, the fighter gains a shield that blocks {…} physical damage for {…} seconds. With a {…} chance, when blocking damage, the fighter can inflict maim on the enemy that caused this damage. His maximum health is reduced by {…} for the duration of the maim (the maim may last until the end of combat). You cannot apply more than one maim effect to an enemy. Every {…} s. the fighter is trying to remove the injury. With a {…} chance, this can happen and then the effect is completely removed, but if the injury could not be removed, the fighter is stunned for {…} s.
Ring “Permafrost”
Once in a while, launches rockets at the farthest and closest enemy fighter. Missiles deal {…} magic damage to all enemy units in a small area. Rocket explosions blind enemy soldiers for {…} s. Blinded fighters miss with {…} percent chance.
Daggers “Ice Guard”
With a {…} chance, each fighter attack has a chance to damage the armor of an opposing fighter. When detonated, the fighter takes {…} pure damage and their physical armor is reduced by {…} for {…} seconds. This enemy unit also takes {…} physical damage over {…} seconds.
Armor “Ice Guard”
Without Rune:
Once in a while, the unit’s magical armor is increased by {…} for {…} seconds. When taking damage as a {…} chance to age the enemy that dealt this damage by {…} seconds. Reduces Max Health by {…}, Spell Power by {…}, and Damage by {…}. You cannot apply more than one of these effects to an enemy.With Rune:
Once in a while, the unit’s magical armor is increased by {…} for {…} seconds. With a {…} chance, when taking damage, the fighter has a chance to age the enemy that dealt this damage by {…} seconds. Reduces Max Health by {…}, Magic Power by {…}, Physical and Magical Armor by {…}, and Damage by {…}. You cannot apply more than one of these effects to an enemy.
Wand “Northern Shaman”
Without Rune:
Once in a while, the fighter ages the enemy mage with the lowest max health. Reduces Max Health by {…}, Spell Power by {…}, and Damage by {…} for {…} seconds. He also takes {…} physical damage.With Rune:
Once in a while, the fighter ages the enemy mage with the lowest maximum health and all other enemy mages in a small area around the main target. They decrease their maximum health by {…}, their spell power by {…}, and their damage by {…} for {…} seconds. They also take {…} physical damage.
Armor “Northern Shaman”
Without Rune:
Once in a while, the fighter gains a shield that blocks {…} physical damage for {…} seconds. Also, the cooldown of the armor owner’s weapon ability is reduced by {…} while the shield is active.With Rune:
Once in a while, the fighter gains a shield that blocks {…} any damage for {…} seconds. Also, the cooldown of the armor owner’s weapon ability is reduced by {…} while the shield is active.
Book “Charming Blizzard”
Last drop itemWithout Rune:
Once in a while, blocks resurrection of a random dead enemy fighter for {…} s.
For any fighter-imposed ban on resurrection on an enemy fighter, the spell power of the owner of the book is increased by {…} for {…} s.
Once in a while, the fighter deals {…} magic damage to {…} random enemy fighters.With Rune:
For any resurrection ban imposed by the fighter, the spell power and the damage of the owner of the book is increased by {…} for {…} s.
Crossbow “Arctic Pathfinder”
With a {…} chance, the fighter’s shot electrifies the target of the attack. Each time an electrified unit uses an ability, it will be stunned for {…}s. Duration {…} s.
Armor “Arctic Pathfinder”
Every {…} attack of a fighter deals pure damage of {…} percent of the max health of the target of the attack. Also restores health to the fighter equal to the amount of damage dealt.
Background: “Winter Castle” and “Fortress of Solitude”
Weather: “Snowfall”
Mount: “Semi-finished”
Skins for the leader board: “Avalanche Power” and “Elite Avalanche Power” (armor and ax)
Skins for purchasing of the pass: “Ice Destroyer” (armor and ax)
Skins for workers: “Ice Treasures”

March Royal Challenge
Amulet “Power of Medusa”
Once in a while, a fighter puts a shield on himself and the ally with the least health. The size of the shield is equal to {…} from the spell power of the owner of the amulet.
Ring “Curse of Medusa”
Once in a while, the fighter turns {…} nearby enemy fighters into statues for {…} seconds. Every second they take pure damage equal to {…} of their maximum health. The wearer of the ring heals equal to the damage dealt by the ring’s ability.
Artifact “Ruthless Time”
Trigger: Once in a while
Effect Name: accelerated agingWithout Rune:
The fighter ages {…} enemy fighters with the lowest health by {…} sec. They decrease their maximum health by {…}, their spell power by {…}, and their damage by {…}.With Rune:
The fighter ages {…} enemy fighters with the lowest health for {…} sec. They have their maximum health reduced by {…}, spell power by {…}, physical and magical armor by {…}, and damage by {…}.