The following Boss Guide was made by Dieselman and shared on the Hustle Prime discord

Beast’s Abobe
Emperor’s Chamber
[Image to be added later]
Garden of the Great Tree
[Image to be added later]
Gatekeeper’s Refuge
[Image to be added later]
Goblin King’s Lair
Grotto of the Invincible One
[Image to be added later]
Kingdom of Sand
[Image to be added later]
Last Temple
[Image to be added later]
Mistress’s Realm

Mystic Circle
Shorty’s Cave
[Image to be added later]
Oculus’s Abode
[Image to be added later]
Smoke’s Chamber
[Image to be added later]
Summoner’s Crypt

Supreme Mage’s Halls
The Monstrosity’s Lake
Vampire Count’s Arena
Following is an incomplete collection of the different dungeon maps.
The swords represent completed points. The spiked helmets are the bosses. The banners over a cross are the regular battles. The “?” points will be one of sacrifice, mortal, shadow, or influence.