This page is intended as a preview for those not yet throne room 11 or as a reference for those who are.
- Videos
- How Sets Work
- Crafting, Reforging, Recrafting
- Rolls
Spreadsheet for recording recrafts:
Each of the sets:
- Eclipse
- Executioner of Light
- Storm
- Legionnaire
- Nameless King
- Paladin
- Annihilator
- Baston
- Shadow
- Blade King
- Mercenary
- Raider
- Van Hellsong
- Dragonborn
- Reaver
- Frost Death
- Inventor
- Pyromancer
- Ranger
- Bane
- Demon Hunter
- Octohand
- Cardsharper
- Illusionist
- Darkula
- Necromancer
- Cultist
- Oracle
- Snake Charmer
- Priest
- Incinerator (formally Ashbringer)
- Ice Angler
Note on keeping this page up to date
It is time consuming to screenshot, OCR, and then reformat all the Set descriptions. On September 2021 there was a big rebalancing of Sets and I have yet to update the Paladin, Annhilator, Bastion, Shadow, Legionnaire, Storm, EoL, Priest, Incinerator, Darkula, and Octohand Sets accordingly. I hope to do so soon.
An archived version of the sets as they were before September 2021 has been saved here:
Ancient Sets Archive 2021
I’ve also made some video guide related to Ancient Sets.
How Sets Work
At throne room 11 there is a new resource: Mithril. These little green cubes become the center of the game once you finish construction because they are needed to build Ancient Sets.
I supplement this with raiding and the Portal. At Portal Level 81 and above, the reward is “very dark souls” which can be used to buy separate items in the Portal Store. These items are (1) a chest of Material for the Storm and Illusionist Sets, (2) a chest of 100,000 mithril, and (3) a rotating Essence.
You need 150,000 mithril to unlock each fighters weapon soul and each fighter’s armor soul. The fighter needs to be trained to fighter level 100 first.
Souls come in green, blue, purple, and orange like other equipment.
There are restrictions on matching the soul to it’s corresponding armor/weapon. First, it has to be the same class, so tank armor needs tank armor soul. Second, the gear and it’s corresponding soul cannot have the same special ability. For example, if your armor restores health, then you cannot use a armor soul that also restores health. Third, for weapons the soul needs to be the same weapon type. So not just any tank weapon soul can go on any tank weapon. If you have an ax, then you need an ax soul. If you have a sword, then you need a sword soul.
You cannot craft your own souls. You can only get them in chests, the Arena Store (where they are good, but expensive and only 0-1 for sale at any time), or your clan war chest. Combined with needing to be quite specific, searching for good souls takes a lot of time.
Your fighter’s weapon, weapon soul, armor, armor soul, ring, and amulet make if the 6 items that are a Set.
Set Material
After throne room 11, you get Ancient Set Material as part of the reward for most aspects of the game: the gem bay, arena, portal, clan wars, and dungeon. Most Ancient Sets require a little bit of each.
These come in orange, purple, and blue varieties. There are too many different types of Material to list them all. All sets needs 1 specific orange, 1 specific purple, and 2 different specific blue material types. The orange is normally the limiting material you will be hunting for, but not always. Since they come from different parts of the game, if for example, you always go to the Gem Bay multiple times a day, then you will have plenty of that material and might actually be left hunting for one of the purple or blue materials in order to continue working on your Set.
The two new sets with the Clan Territory expansion are EoL and Frost Death. The material for these needs to be purchased in the CT Store. I think this is actually very easy because you can buy exactly what you need.
With the room built to the max and my workers trained to the max, and decent purple or better gear on everyone, I get 1,700 mithril per hour production.

Portal material is considered the hardest to get. There are two different types of “Portal Material”. First, normal portal material is bought from the Portal store for 10,000 Dark Souls. You get a chest and hope what you need is inside. It takes a long time to get all that you need for a full set which requires an orange Portal material (like Annihilator or Incinerator).

The second type of Portal material is for the Illusionist and Storm sets (added during Portal expansion). These need to be purchased for Very Dark Souls from the Portal Store. Again, it’s a chest and you never know if you will get what you need. Chests cost 19,500 Very Dark Souls.

Winning in a Clan War will get you a chest that can have any material. I’m often lucky and get Portal Material in these. Similar with the “Personal Reward” at the end of the Clan War season, which if you earn enough Glory will even have Essence inside.

Set Essence
Once you have all the correct material, you use it to craft 1 Essence. Each Ancient Set has its own corresponding Essence that can only be used for that Set.
Besides the Material, you need 200,000 mithril and 1 orange shard to make each Essence.
Then, finally, you use the Essence to forge the Set items.
Crafting, Reforging, Recrafting
These terms get used interchangeably a lot. However, I’m going to stick my flag in the ground and declare the “correct” usage is:
- Craft is when you create an Ancient piece from scratch using 3, 7, or 10 essence
- Reforge is when you use 1 essence and 100k mithril to change the base gear in an existing craft
- Recraft (admittedly not a real word) is when you do a craft but it is not your first craft of that set and gear type combo (aka paladin amulet).
Crafting Gear
As mentioned above, there are 6 items to forge in each set. The bonuses are based on how many items you have. It does not matter what order you craft them in.
You craft Ancient gear onto base gear. The base gear needs to be orange level 98-100. Weapons and Armor need to be the right class (tank, archer, mage). The Weapon also needs to be the right type (aka orb, scepter, staff). That’s right, each ancient set only works with one weapon type. For example, if you want a full Annihilator, she will need to wield an Ax.
When you craft an item, that gear doesn’t get any new abilities. The Set Bonuses are not attached to any particular gear; they are applied to the fighter equipped with the gear. However, each crafted item gets all its attributes enhanced. Armor gets better health, weapon gets better damage damage, attribute bonuses all increase, too. It also gets one new gem slot.
You may notice that there are some tank sets that require archer armor (Legionnaire, Storm, Shadow). These sets are better at doing damage. The tank sets with tank armor (EoL, Annihilator, Baston, Paladin) are not great at dealing damage, their specialty is staying alive and holding the front line to protect the mages.
NOTE A hybrid is when you combine partial sets on the same fighter, like a Pala-Bane with Bane weapon/soul and Paladin armor/soul and jewelry. Paladin is very popular for hybrids because they are good at staying alive and the 4/6 Set Bonus is basically as good as the 6/6.
Here are some screenshots of crafting an Incinerator Weapon. As you can see, I can only choose qualifying wands for the base gear.

Reforging Gear
Crafting isn’t forever. You can reforge any item for “just” 1 Essence, 100,000 mithril, and 1 orange shard. While crafting essence and crafting gear take time to finish, reforging is instant.
The game makes is very easy. It shows you previews of your new item and lets you compare it with your current item.

NOTE When you craft an item to Ancient, it gets an extra Gem slot in the last position. Notice above that when I reforge an item, the same extra gem slot transfers over to the new item, gem included, free of charge!
TIP When you are in the stage of making all your first Crafts, prioritize merging up that last gem slot. You will save the gold and diamonds of moving (at least 1) gem when you inevitably want to reforge to new event gear.
The next section is on Rolls. Once you have your main fighters all ancient and you switch focus to Rolls, you will be changing gear less often and instead recrafting to improve your rolls. Once in that stage, you want to do the opposite and prioritize the other slots because the last gem is removed when you break the item.
Recrafting Gear
Thought it was a long grind getting your first 6/6 Ancient Set? Thought it was a long grind getting your whole squad 6/6? Well.. I have bad news. You’re just getting started.
In the craft preview, you will see that your crafted gear will end up with new values within a given range. Where you end up in this range is called your “Roll”. The following section is about rolls.
The only way to improve your roll is to make a brand new Ancient item from 10 (if armor, 7 souls, etc) essence. “Recrafting” is when you do a craft of a new Ancient item, that you have already done before, and with the intention of improving your roll.
There is a lot of miss information about Rolls and people who will swear it works differently from how it actually does. My info here is thoroughly checked and confirmed and I’m quite confident in it.
Calculating your Roll
The formula is: ( [your_roll] – [roll_minimum] ) / [roll-maximum] – [roll-minimum] )
Yes, this is just the formula for percent when the minimum is not zero.
Note, don’t use damage for the calculation. DPS takes other things into account and won’t give an accurate number. Also it’s a range, so it’s extra math to first get the average.
I like to use one of the attributes like Crit or Spell Power. Note, you can do this calculation on any attribute and you will get the same percent value. This is the Ancient item’s roll.
NOTE Purchased ancient items seem to always have a 65 to 75 roll, give or take.
Improving your Roll
Every time you craft an item of the same set and gear type (aka paladin amulet, illusionist scepter, incinerator armor soul, etc) you will get a better roll.
Yes, every time. It does not matter how you do it. Don’t listen to those who say you have to break your existing one and recraft on the same base gear. That is not true. Here is a video by the great San Transarm proving it. He crafts a series of paladin rings onto different base rings, each getting a better roll than the one before.
OK… there is one exception to the “it will alway improve” rule. As you get very close to 100, in the 90s, there have been reports of slight decreases. However, it is probably not the best use of mithril to be recrafting gear that already has a roll in the 90s. After all, new sets keep coming out; META keeps making slight shifts.
There are 2 options for recrafts: (1) make a second one or (2) break and replace.
The advantage to making a second one is you get a spare ancient item. Great for testing new gear or building a whole second fighter with that set (second Darkulas are very popular). This is probably what you want to choose most of the time. It can be very useful to have different options for different contexts in the game. For example, I switch my pala-mage to self-rez pala-armor when fighting the CT Abyss bosses, and to event pala-armor when in the Arena. The “spares” are also nice in Gem Bay and Expo when a large team is brought.
The advantage to break and replace is you get a few essence back when you break. You can unequip any ancient item and hit the Break button. It will then show you a preview of what you will get from the break on a confirmation screen. Like this:

When you break an Ancient Item, you get back the original base gear, any runes, any skin, the gem in the last slot (the slot added when crafted), and some essence.
You get the following essence back:
- 3 for weapon,
- 2 for weapon soul,
- 3 for armor,
- 2 for armor soul,
- 1 for ring,
- 1 for amulet
Keeping in mind the cost to craft is 10 for armor/weapon, 7 for souls, and 3 for jewelry.
Each event, I always want to move some jewelry. I can reforge an ancient jewelry item for 1 essence and 100 mithril — or — I can break and recraft for just 1 additional essence and 300 additional mithril. Certainly something to consider, depending on the roll and the attributes that would be improved. Just like crafting, your biggest wins on recrafting will be armor and weapon.
The Sets
- Eclipse
- Executioner of Light
- Storm
- Legionnaire
- Nameless King
- Paladin
- Annihilator
- Baston
- Shadow
- Blade King
- Mercenary
- Raider
- Van Hellsong
- Dragonborn
- Reaver
- Frost Death
- Inventor
- Pyromancer
- Ranger
- Bane
- Demon Hunter
- Octohand
- Cardsharper
- Illusionist
- Darkula
- Necromancer
- Cultist
- Oracle
- Snake Charmer
- Priest
- Incinerator (formally Ashbringer)
- Ice Angler
Class: Tank
Weapon Type: Mace
Source for Materials: All must be purchased in the Expedition Marquee (AKA Camel) Shop in Clan Territory. The shop inventory is limited to 1 essence worth of material per week for (125+80+30+30) 265 Marauder Coins.
Unofficial Summary: The 3 Expedition Sets are very time consuming to get. We can only buy 1 essence worth of material per week. Some more can be gotten from Camel Chests (from winning Expedition), if lucky. And finally the Donkey sells these Essence.
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
Once in a while, gives 3 allies with the lowest health shields blocking 20% damage for 4 sec. Eclipse restores one’s own health by 20% of the damage blocked by shields.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
Once in a while, gives 3 allies with the lowest health shields blocking 30% damage for 5 sec. Eclipse restores one’s own health by 20% of the damage blocked by shields Once in a while, the Eclipse attack causes an explosion dealing the enemies 30000 damage for 5 sec. Eclipse restores 8000 health for every defeated enemy for 5 sec. It also restores 8000 health for 5 sec. to the number of allies equal to the number of enemies affected by the explosion. Additionally, the fighter’s physical armor value increases by 20% for 5 sec.
The fighter who puts on a shield restores 10000 health from the value of damage blocked by shields. Lasts for 5 sec. Eclipse restores one’s own health by 20% of the damage blocked by shields
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
Once in a while, gives 3 allies with the lowest health shields blocking 40% damage for 5 sec. Eclipse restores one’s own health by 20% of the damage blocked by shields Once in a while, the Eclipse attack causes an explosion stunning all the enemies for 1 sec. and dealing them 40000 damage for 5 sec. Eclipse restores 10000 health for each defeated enemy fighter for 5 sec. It also restores 10000 health for 5 sec. to the number of allies equal to the number of enemies affected by the explosion. Additionally, the fighter’s physical armor value increases by 30% for 5 sec. After the explosion, all allied heroes receive shields that block 60% damage.
The fighter who puts on a shield restores 10000 health from the value of damage blocked by shields. Lasts for 5 sec. Eclipse restores one’s own health by 20% of the damage blocked by shields

Executioner of Light
Class: Tank
Weapon Type: Ax
Nickname: EoL
Source for Materials: All must be purchased in the Clan Territory Shop
Unofficial Summary: One of the two new sets (along with archer Frost Death) added with Clan Territories. Seems promising.
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
Once in a while, it applies one of the two effects:
Either bestows the power of light on the ally with the least health (That ally becomes immune to magic damage for 1 sec)
or deals 22000 pure damage to and blinds the enemy with the least health for 4 sec. The blinded enemy has a 75% chance of missing the target when attacking. The effect is selected at random.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
Once in a while, it applies one of the two effects:
Either bestows the power of light on the ally with the least health (That ally becomes immune to magic damage for 1.5 sec)
or deals 30000 pure damage to and blinds the enemy with the least health for 4 sec. The blinded enemy has a 75% chance of missing the target when attacking. The effect is selected at random.
Units located within a long range of the Executioner of Light are affected by his mighty will:
Allies deal an extra 15% damage and take 15% less physical damage.
Enemies cannot be resurrected for 3 sec after getting killed.
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
Once in a while, applies two powerful effects:
Bestows the power of light on the ally with the least health. That ally becomes immune to magic damage for 2 sec.
Deals 45000 pure damage to and blinds the enemy with the least health. The blinded enemy has a 75% chance of missing the target when attacking.
Units located within a long range of the Executioner of Light are affected by his mighty will: Allies deal an extra 25% damage and take 25% less physical damage.
Enemies cannot be resurrected for 3 sec after getting killed. Their weapon abilities take 2 longer than usual to cool down.
On taking lethal damage, the Executioner of Light moves close to the enemy that was supposed to kill the Executioner to administer justice. The Executioner restores 50% health in himself + 35000 per each live ally (summoned creatures do not count). Also, he deals 300000 damage to and stuns his target for 3 sec. If the Justice of Light kills the enemy, the effects of the Executioner’s mighty will are enhanced for 6 sec.

Class: Tank
Weapon Type: Sword
Source for Materials: All must be purchased in the Portal Store for Very Dark Souls
Unofficial Summary: One of the two sets added (along with Illusionist) in the Portal expansion before the Clan Territories expansion. All the material needs to be bought with “very dark souls” earned in Portal levels 81 and up.
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
Once in a while, covers themselves with a lightning shield. The shield absorbs 33% of the physical damage taken. Each time the unit with a lightning shield takes damage, it emits a lightning bolt that deals 10000 damage to the attacker. Activates once per 8 sec or even more seldom
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
Max health is increased by 50000.
Once in a while, covers themselves with a lightning shield. The shield absorbs 38% of the physical damage taken. Each time the unit with a lightning shield takes damage, it emits a lightning bolt that deals 17000 damage to the attacker. Activates once per 8 sec or even more seldom.
When the lightning shield is activated, it fills with indomitable energy. The damage done by the next 3 hits is increased by 42000, and each of the hits has a chance 75% of dealing the same amount of damage to the enemy with the lowest health.
While the charge is active, the unit absorbs 70% of magic damage and restores its health by 65% of this damage.
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
Max health is increased by 175000.
Once in a while, covers themselves with a lightning shield. The shield absorbs 45% of the physical damage taken. Each time the unit with a lightning shield takes damage, it emits a lightning bolt that deals 22000 damage to the attacker. Activates once per 8 sec or even more seldom.
When the lightning shield is activated, it fills with indomitable energy. The damage done by the next 3 hits is increased by 60000, and each of the hits has a chance 75% of dealing the same amount of damage to the enemy with the lowest health.
While the charge is active, the unit absorbs 80% of magic damage and restores its health by 80% of this damage.
Attack speed is increased by 20%.
On death, takes on the form of a spirit. While in a spirit form, The Storm continues fighting and he cannot be reached by enemies. However, his damage is reduced by 50% and he does not use abilities. Can only be resurrected when he takes on his material form again.
As a spirit, he fights as long as there is at least one live ally left. Every 3 sec, casts a lightning bolt that deals 100000 magic damage to a random enemy and strikes all enemies off balance. They are unable to dodge or deal critical damage for 2 sec.
While The Storm is in a spirit form, the ability remains in effect, but its damage and duration are reduced twofold.

Class: Tank
Weapon Type: Spear
Nickname: Legio
Source for Materials (in order): Gem Bay, Dungeon, Arena, Portal,
Unofficial Summary: To be added later.
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
Once in a while, throws a dart at the enemy whose health has dropped below 30%. The dart deals damage equal to that done by the weapon’s critical hit. If the dart kills the target, throws another dart at a random enemy.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
Once in a while, throws a dart at the enemy whose health has dropped below 28%. The dart deals damage equal to that done by the weapon’s critical hit. If the dart kills the target, throws another dart at a random enemy. If damage taken is greater than 30000, 35% of the damage is blocked and added as a bonus to the Legionnaire’s next attack. Also, covers two nearby allies with a shield that has a durability of 25000.
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
Once in a while, throws a dart at the enemy whose health has dropped below 25%. The dart deals damage equal to that done by the weapon’s critical hit. If the dart kills the target, throws another dart at a random enemy. If damage taken is greater than 30000, 60% of the damage is blocked and added as a bonus to the Legionnaire’s next attack. Also, covers two nearby allies with a shield that has a durability of 38000. On death, stuns all enemies and pulls them into an area on the enemy side. The stun will last 1.5 sec longer if the enemies outnumber the allies during the pull. Activates once per battle.

Nameless King
Class: Tank
Weapon Type: Spear
Source for Materials: To be added
Unofficial Summary: To be added
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
To be added
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
To be added
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
To be added.
Class: Tank
Weapon Type: Mace
Nickname: Pala
Source for Materials (in order): Arena, Portal, Gem Bay, Dungeon
Unofficial Summary: 4-piece hybrids are very popular.
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
Once in a while, when the fighter’s health or that of an ally falls below 25%, restores 15000 health and increases the damage of his next two attacks by 15000.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
Once in a while, when the fighter’s health or that of an ally falls below 25%, restores 25000 health and increases the damage of his next two attacks by 25000.
Once in a while, when an enemy uses stun, removes the effects of stun from all allies and makes them immune to stun for 2.5 sec.
The fighter is immune to stuns.
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
Once in a while, when the fighter’s health or that of an ally falls below 25%, restores 40000 health and increases the damage of his next two attacks by 40000.
Once in a while, when an enemy uses stun, removes the effects of stun from all allies and makes them immune to stun for 3 sec.
The fighter is immune to stuns.
On death, casts shields on 3 allies with the least health. The shields’ durability equals 40% of the paladin’s health. Activates once per battle.

Class: Tank
Weapon Type: Ax
Nickname: Anni
Source for Materials (in order): Portal, Gem Bay, Arena, Dungeon
Unofficial Summary: To be added later.
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
The fighter burns continuously, dealing 5000 damage around himself every second.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
The fighter burns continuously, dealing 9000 damage around himself every second.
When the fighter has dealt 120000 damage, he charges his weapon and increases the damage of his next attack by 45000. This attack sends out shards that deal 25000 damage to three random enemies.
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
The fighter burns continuously, dealing 15000 damage around himself every second.
When the fighter has dealt 200000 damage, he charges his weapon and increases the damage of his next attack by 75000. This attack sends out shards that deal 40000 damage to three random enemies.
On death, delivers a crushing blow, dealing damage equal to 125% of the Annihilator’s max health distributed among all enemies. Activates once per battle.

Class: Tank
Weapon Type: Sword
Source for Materials (in order): Gem Bay, Arena, Portal, Dungeon
Unofficial Summary: To be added later.
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
When taking damage, decreases the attack speed of the attacker by 20% for a short time.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
When taking damage, decreases the attack speed of the attacker by 27% for a short time.
An enemy fighter attacking this fighter has a 20% chance of being frozen for 1.5 sec.
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
When taking damage, decreases the attack speed of the attacker by 35% for a short time.
An enemy fighter attacking this fighter has a 25% chance of being frozen for 2.2 sec.
When this fighter’s health drops below 40%, he freezes himself for a short time.
Damage dealt to the frozen fighter is decreased by 45%, while damage dealt to nearby allies is decreased by 33%. Activates once per battle.

Class: Tank
Weapon Type: Daggers
Source for Materials (in order): Arena, Portal, Gem Bay, Dungeon
Unofficial Summary: To be added later.
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
When attacking, has a 18% chance to deal an additional 18000 pure damage, ignoring armor and shields.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
When attacking, has a 18% chance to deal an additional 30000 pure damage. ignoring armor and shields.
Every critical hit unleashes the strength of the fighter’s shadow, moving the fighter to the enemy with the lowest health to deliver a series of two strikes. The first blow stuns the target for 17 sec., while the second blow deals 40000 additional damage over 3.5 sec.
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
When attacking, has a 22% chance to deal an additional 50000 pure damage, ignoring armor and shields.
Every critical hit unleashes the strength of the fighter’s shadow, moving the fighter to the enemy with the lowest health to deliver a series of two strikes. The first blow stuns the target for 2.5 sec., while the second blow deals 70000 additional damage over 3.5 sec
When this fighter’s health drops below 50% and he receives damage, he deals 85000 damage to the attacker and vanishes, diverting enemy attention away from himself. Activates once in a while.

Blade King
Class: Tank
Weapon Type: Daggers
Source for Materials: To be added.
Unofficial Summary: To be added.
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
Once in a while, the unit performs a circular attack, dealing 30000 physical damage to all enemies around themself.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
Once in a while, the unit performs a circular attack, dealing 50000 physical damage to all enemies around themself and stripping them of their armor. The affected enemies lose 50% of their armor stats and are unable to use their armor abilities for 1.5 sec. The unit deals an extra 10000 physical damage to the enemies that have been stripped of their armor or weapons. Once in a while, the unit throws dagger at a random enemy. Dagger deals 65% of the unit’s attack damage.
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
Once in a while, the unit performs a circular attack, dealing 80000 physical damage to all enemies around themself and stripping them of their armor. The affected enemies lose 60% of their armor stats and are unable to use their armor abilities for 2 sec. Also, those enemies take 100000 damage that ignores their armor over 5 sec.
The unit deals an extra 25000 physical damage to the enemies that have been stripped of their armor or weapons. Once in a while, the unit throws 5 daggers at random enemies. Each dagger deals 85% of the unit’s attack damage. Each subsequent dagger deals 10% more damage. When hit, the enemies have a 50% chance of having all buffs removed from them.
Every 14 sec, the unit deals a crushing blow to an enemy, inflicting 600% of the attack damage. That damage ignores the target’s armor. Also, the unit is granted a shield whose durability equals to the damage done. The shield lasts for 3 sec. If the enemy has less than 20% health left after the attack, they are killed. If the target is killed by the crushing blow, the unit’s ability cooldown time is reduced by 6 sec.

Info needs to be added.
Info needs to be added.
Van Hellsong
Class: Archer
Weapon Type: Bow
Source for Materials: All must be purchased in the Expedition Marquee (AKA Camel) Shop in Clan Territory. The shop inventory is limited to 1 essence worth of material per week for (125+80+30+30) 265 Marauder Coins.
Unofficial Summary: The 3 Expedition Sets are very time consuming to get. We can only buy 1 essence worth of material per week. Some more can be gotten from Camel Chests (from winning Expedition), if lucky. And finally the Donkey sells these Essence.
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
Once in a while, Hellsong performs one of his songs:
Damage done by each of the enemies is reduced by 40%, and each enemy’s armor is reduced by 40%. The effect lasts 2 sec.
Each ally’s next attack deals 50% more damage.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
Once in a while, Hellsong performs one of his songs:
Damage done by each of the enemies is reduced by 60%, and each enemy’s armor is reduced by 55%. The effect lasts 2 sec.
Each ally’s next attack deals 60% more damage.
Casts a shield with a durability of 10000 on all allies.
Restores 40000 health in each ally.
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
Once in a while, gives 3 allies with the lowest health shields blocking 40% damage for 5 sec. Eclipse restores one’s own health by 20% of the damage blocked by shields Once in a while, the Eclipse attack causes an explosion stunning all the enemies for 1 sec. and dealing them 40000 damage for 5 sec. Eclipse restores 10000 health for each defeated enemy fighter for 5 sec. It also restores 10000 health for 5 sec. to the number of allies equal to the number of enemies affected by the explosion. Additionally, the fighter’s physical armor value increases by 30% for 5 sec. After the explosion, all allied heroes receive shields that block 60% damage.
The fighter who puts on a shield restores 10000 health from the value of damage blocked by shields. Lasts for 5 sec. Eclipse restores one’s own health by 20% of the damage blocked by shields

Class: Archer
Weapon Type: Crossbow
Source for Materials: To be added.
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
To be added.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
To be added.
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
To be added.

Class: Archer
Weapon Type: Bow
Source for Materials: To be added.
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
To be added.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
To be added.
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
To be added.

Frost Death
Class: Archer
Weapon Type: Bow
Source for Materials: All material must be be purchased in the Clan Territory Store
Unofficial Summary: Along with EoL, this is one of the 2 new sets introduced with the Clan Territories expansion.
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
Once in a while, pushes out ice spikes under 3 random enemies, dealing 18000 damage. The frostbitten enemies take 20% more damage and have their attack speed reduced by 30%. The frostbite will wear off after they perform 2 attacks each.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
Once in a while, pushes out ice spikes under 3 random enemies, dealing 40000 damage. The frostbitten enemies take 25% more damage and have their attack speed reduced by 40%. The frostbite will wear off after they perform 2 attacks each.
When attacking the frostbitten enemy has a 50% chance of being frozen; they will be immobilized, and their abilities’ cooldown will be suspended for 2 sec.
Once in a while, deals an extra 23000 damage to the target. 130% of the damage done restores health in the Frost Death. This blow strikes the target off balance, preventing it from dodging or delivering a critical hit for 3 sec.
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
Once in a while, pushes out ice spikes under 3 random enemies, dealing 100000 damage. The frostbitten enemies take 30% more damage and have their attack speed reduced by 50%. The frostbite will wear off after they perform 2 attacks each.
When attacking, the frostbitten enemy has a 50% chance of being frozen; they will be immobilized, and their abilities cooldown will be suspended for 3 sec.
Once in a while, deals an extra 30000 damage to the target. 140% of the damage done restores health in the Frost Death. This blow strikes the target off balance, preventing it from dodging or delivering a critical hit for 3 sec.
Once in a while, begins to drain enemies’ health. All enemies lose 66000 health over 3.3 sec. Once the effect has worn off, Death will claim 50% of the health drained, restoring own health, while another 50% of the health drained will be released as damage done to Death’s target. Critical hits reduce the cooldown time of health drain by 1 sec. Triggers once per 3 sec or even more seldom.

Class: Archer
Weapon Type: Shotgun
Source for Materials (in order): Arena, Gem Bay, Portal, Dungeon
Unofficial Summary: To be added later.
Bonus for collecting a set:
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
Every 120000 of the damage done by attacks, summons a drone that hovers over the battlefield and analyzes the current battle. After a while, the drone Implements one of the following scenarios:
If the enemy warriors outnumber the allied ones, the drone attacks the warrior with the least health and deals 45000 damage.
If the enemy archers outnumber the allied ones, the drone stuns all enemy archers for 2 sec.
If the enemy mages outnumber the allied ones, the drone silences all enemy mages for 4 sec.
In any other case, the drone casts a shield on all allies that reduces damage taken by 17%
While active, the drone attacks up to 3 nearby enemies at once, dealing 5000 damane new card to each.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
Every 120000 of the damage done by attacks, summons a drone that hovers over the battlefield and analyzes the current battle. After a while, the drone implements one of the following scenarios:
If the enemy warriors outnumber the allied ones, the drone attacks the warrior with the least health and deals 70000 damage.
If the enemy archers outnumber the allied ones, the drone stuns all enemy archers for 3 sec.
If the enemy mages outnumber the allied ones, the drone silences all enemy mages for 4.5 sec.
In any other case, the drone casts a shield on all allies that reduces damage taken by 30%.
While active, the drone attacks up to 3 nearby enemies at once, dealing 8000 damage per second to each.
While the summoned drone is airborne, all damage done to all enemies is enhanced by 25% and all summoned minions side with the Inventor for 4 sec (the Skeleton King, Turrets, and the Drone are unaffected).
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
Every 120000 of the damage done by attacks, summons a drone that hovers over the battlefield and analyzes the current battle. After a while, the drone implements one of the following scenarios:
If the enemy warriors outnumber the allied ones, the drone attacks the warrior with the least health and deals 180000 damage.
If the enemy archers outnumber the allied ones, the drone stuns all enemy archers for 6 sec.
If the enemy mages outnumber the allied ones, the drone silences all enemy mages for 5 sec.
In any other case, the drone casts a shield on all allies that reduces damage taken by 40%.
While active, the drone attacks up to 3 nearby enemies at once, dealing 12000 damage per second to each.
While the summoned drone is airborne, all damage done to all enemies is enhanced by 33% and all summoned minions side with the Inventor for 4 sec (the Skeleton King, Turrets, and the Drone are unaffected).
When the drone’s effect is triggered, the Inventor works himself into a frenzy and maximizes his attack speed over 6 sec. Each shot is a critical hit and each has a 50% chance of firing one more ordinary shot at a random target. Activates once per 11 sec or even more seldom.

Class: Archer
Weapon Type: Shotgun
Source for Materials: To be added.
Unofficial Summary: To be added.
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
To be added.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
To be added.
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
To be added.

Class: Archer
Weapon Type: Bow
Source for Materials (in order): Arena, Dungeon, Portal, Gem Bay
Unofficial Summary: To be added later.
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
On attack, has a 25% chance to deal an additional 25000 pure damage, ignoring armor and shields, and blinding the enemy for 4 sec. A blinded enemy has a 50% chance to miss.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
On attack, has a 25% chance to deal an additional 45000 pure damage, ignoring armor and shields, and blinding the enemy for 4 sec. A blinded enemy has a 65% chance to miss.
Once in a while, fires a powerful shot at the most distant target. This shot deals 175000 damage and stuns for 4 sec.
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
On attack, has a 30% chance to deal an additional 75000 pure damage, ignoring armor and shields, and blinding the enemy for 6 sec. A blinded enemy has a 80% chance to miss.
Once in a while, fires a powerful shot at the most distant target. This shot deals 300000 damage and stuns for 4.5 sec.
At the start of the battle, throws two grenades at random enemies (prefers to attack mages), dealing 100000 damage and silencing them for 9 sec.
Once in a while, throws smaller grenades, dealing 45000 damage and causing silence for 4.5 sec.

Class: Archer
Weapon Type: Crossbow
Source for Materials (in order): Arena, Dungeon, Portal, Gem Bay
Nickname: Normally referred to as Bane, but the gear is all called Doom’s Crossbow, Doom’s Ring, etc.
Unofficial Summary:
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
When attacking, the fighter chooses a new random target and poisons it, dealing 30000 damage over 2.4 sec.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
When attacking, the fighter chooses a new random target and poisons it, dealing 55000 damage over 2.4 sec.
If there are other enemies near the target, one of them will also be poisoned.
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
When attacking, the fighter chooses a new random target and poisons it, dealing 85000 damage over 2.4 sec.
If there are other enemies near the target, one of them will also be poisoned.
If a fighter attacks a poisoned enemy, it triggers a poison explosion, dealing 170000 damage to all enemies over 4.5 sec. Another poison explosion can’t be triggered during this time.

Demon Hunter
Class: Archer
Weapon Type: Crossbow
Source for Materials (in order): Dungeon, Arena, Portal, Gem Bay
Unofficial Summary: To be added later.
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
Once in a while, sets an Abyss Hound on the enemy with the least amount of health. The hound deals 45000 damage to the target and casts fear on him for 2 sec.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
Once in a while, sets an Abyss Hound on the enemy with the least amount of health The hound deals 75000 damage to the target and casts fear on him for 2 sec.
Once in a while, summons an Abyss War Hound to the battlefield (204160-229160 health, 70000 damage per second).
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
Once in a while, sets an Abyss Hound on the enemy with the least amount of health. The hound deals 100000 damage to the target and casts fear on him for 2 sec.
Once in a while, summons an Abyss War Hound to the battlefield (304160-354160 health, 75000 damage per second).
At the start of the battle, summons a Furious Abyss Hound (754160-804160 health, 90000 damage per second).

Class: Mage
Weapon Type: Orb
Source for Materials: All must be purchased in the Expedition Marquee (AKA Camel) Shop in Clan Territory. The shop inventory is limited to 1 essence worth of material per week for (125+80+30+30) 265 Marauder Coins.
Unofficial Summary: The 3 Expedition Sets are very time consuming to get. We can only buy 1 essence worth of material per week. Some more can be gotten from Camel Chests (from winning Expedition), if lucky. And finally the Donkey sells these Essence.
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
Once in a while, launches a ghostly arm at an enemy, dealing 40000 damage..
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
Once in a while, launches a ghostly arm at an enemy, dealing 50000 damage. Then, ghostly arms begin to spread within a large radius, tangling enemies. All affected enemies are slowed down and take 60000 damage over 5 sec.
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
Once in a while, launches a ghostly arm at an enemy, dealing 60000 damage. Then, ghostly arms begin to spread all over the battlefield, tangling enemies. All affected enemies are slowed down and take 80000 damage over 5 sec.
Once in a while, in the absence of living allied warriors, turns into a horrible ghost that fights at close quarters. Its health equals 804160 of its attack stat, and its attacks deal 50000 damage. Also, it makes all enemies attack it. When the ghost is killed, Octohand reappears with their health at its max
Also, the ghost has the following abilities: Once in a while, casts fear on all enemies within a small radius for 1 sec. When the fear wears off, all enemies are unable to use their abilities for 5 sec. Once in a while, deals damage to all enemies within a large radius. The damage equals 70% of the attack stat.

Class: Mage
Weapon Type: Orb
Nickname: CS, Joker,
Source for Materials: All must be purchased in the Clan Territory Shop
Unofficial Summary: One of the three new sets added with Clan Territories. Added shortly after EoL and Frost Death. At first there was a lot of speculation that this set would completely change the META, however so far that has not happened; the EoL set is more popular.
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
Once in a while, disarms a random enemy for 3 sec and deals 55000 damage to them over that period of time.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
Once in a while, disarms a random enemy for 4 sec and deals 75000 damage to them over that period of time.
Once in a while, throws an enchanted card at the enemy mage with the greatest spell power. The card deals 60000 damage, reducing the target’s magic armor by 25% and increasing the cooldown time of the target’s weapon ability by 100%. Ha a 16% chance of increasing the weapon’s cooldown time by 200%.
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
Once in a while, disarms a random enemy for 4 sec and deals 95000 damage to them over that period of time.
Once in a while, throws an enchanted card at the enemy mage with the greatest spell power. The card deals 80000 damage, reducing the target’s magic armor by 35% and increasing the cooldown time of the target’s weapon ability by 150%. Has a 16% chance of increasing the weapon’s cooldown time by 350%.
Once in a while, reduces the spell power of all enemy mages by 75%. After 3 sec, the spell power is restored, and the enemy mage with the greatest spell power takes damage equal to 150% of the total spell power reduction. 75% of the damage done to the main target is also dealt to enemies within a small radius. The damage this ability deals to the main target cannot be absorbed by invulnerability, shields, or even a magic astral plane. The enemy killed by this ability cannot be resurrected for 6 sec.

Class: Mage
Weapon Type: Scepter
Nickname: Illu
Source for Materials: All must be purchased for Very Dark Souls in the Portal store
Unofficial Summary:
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
Once in a while, replicates the ally that deals the greatest damage for 7 sec. The replica is immune to stun, fear, and mind control. Cannot be used on summoned creatures.
Replica health and damage reduced by 35%.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
Once in a while, replicates the ally that deals the greatest damage for 7 sec. The replica is immune to stun, fear, and mind control. Cannot be used on summoned creatures.
Replica health and damage reduced by 30%.
By replicating an ally, the unit also replicates their artifact’s ability and uses it instantly.
Attacks have a 80% chance of dealing an extra 25000 pure damage that ignores enemy invulnerability. Also, silences the target for 1.6 sec.
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
Once in a while, replicates the ally that deals the greatest damage for 7 sec. The replica is immune to stun, fear, and mind control. Cannot be used on summoned creatures
Replica health and damage reduced by 20%. The replica takes an extra 50% of the damage taken by the replicated ally, thus increasing their survivability
By replicating an ally, the unit also replicates their artifact’s ability and uses it instantly.
Attacks have a 80% chance of dealing an extra 37000 pure damage that ignores enemy invulnerability. Also, silences the target for 1.8 sec.
Once in a while, casts a random spell from The Illusionist set:
Ice Dragon: Deals 19000 damage to all enemies and freezes up to 3 enemies for 2 sec.
Storm Cloud: Lightning bolts hit up to 5 enemies. Each lightning bolt deals 19000 damage.
Healing Wave: Restores 25000 health in all allies.
Giant Snowball: Deals 90000 damage to the enemy with the greatest health and stuns them for a short time.

Class: Mage
Weapon Type: Orb
Nickname: Drak
Source for Materials (in order): Portal, Arena, Gem Bay, Dungeon
Unofficial Summary:
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
Bleeds, losing 10000 health every 3.5 sec and restoring 12000 health in all allies.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
Bleeds, losing 15000 health every 3.5 sec and restoring 19000 health in all allies.
Once in a while, sacrifices 15% of its max health and deals pure damage to its target equal to 300 of the health spent.
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
Bleeds, losing 23000 health every 3.5 sec and restoring 33000 health in all allies.
Once in a while, sacrifices 10% of its max health and deals pure damage to its target equal to 500% of the health spent. Every 7 sec, Darkula deals distributed damage to all enemies equal to 420% of the damage taken within that period of time. Darkula restores his own health equal to 80% of the damage done by his attacks.
When Darkula deals damage to himself, he has a 5% chance of healing himself by 100% and recharging all of his abilities (except artifacts).

Class: Mage
Weapon Type: Book
Source for Materials (in order): Dungeon, Portal, Gem Bay, Arena
Unofficial Summary: To be added later.
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
When any unit is killed, the Necromancer summons one of his minions for 4 sec. The minion type is based on the type of the unit killed.
Skeleton warrior: Reflects some of the damage taken back to the attacker
Skeleton mage: On death, temporarily saves the ally with the least health from death, preventing it from getting killed for a short time
Skeleton archer: Attacks targets with the least health
Only one allied minion can be summoned when a unit is killed.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
When any unit is killed, the Necromancer summons one of his minions for 4 sec. The minion type is based on the type of the unit killed.
Skeleton warrior: Reflects some of the damage taken back to the attacker
Skeleton mage: On death, temporarily saves the ally with the least health from death, preventing it from getting killed for a short time
Skeleton archer: Attacks targets with the least health
Only one allied minion can be summoned when a unit is killed. When resurrecting an ally, applies armor to that ally. The armor absorbs damage equal to 10% of the ally’s max health. When resurrecting an enemy, places them in a bone cage that prevents them from moving or attacking for 1 sec.
Every instance of summoning used by the Necromancer restores 28000 health in the ally with the least health.
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
When any unit is killed, the Necromancer summons one of his minions for 4 sec. The minion type is based on the type of the unit killed.
Skeleton warrior: Reflects some of the damage taken back to the attacker
Skeleton mage: On death, temporarily saves the ally with the least health from death, preventing it from getting killed for a short time
Skeleton archer: Attacks targets with the least health
Only one allied minion can be summoned when a unit is killed. When resurrecting an ally, applies armor to that ally. The armor absorbs damage equal to 25% of the ally’s max health. When resurrecting an enemy. places them in a bone cage that prevents them from moving or attacking for 1.8 sec. Every instance of summoning used by the Necromancer restores 40000 health in the ally with the least health.
On death, turns into the King of the Dead, shows up behind the enemies’ backs, and casts fear on all enemies for a short time. While the King is alive, the Necromancer cannot be resurrected. The King of the Dead is a melee unit that deals 20000 damage per second and has 304160 health. Once in a while, he throws his golden crown at the unit with the least health, stunning it for 2 sec and dealing 125000 damage. The Skeleton King is immune to fear, silencing, and stun. Activates once per battle.

Class: Mage
Weapon Type: Book
Source for Materials: To be added.
Unofficial Summary: To be added.
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
To be added.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
To be added.
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
To be added.

Class: Mage
Weapon Type: Scepter
Source for Materials (in order): Dungeon, Gem Bay, Arena, Portal
Unofficial Summary: To be added later.
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
Once in a while, summons a prismatic ray from above that strikes a random enemy, dealing 30000 pure damage to the main target, ignoring armor and shields, and 25% damage to nearby enemies.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
Once in a while, summons a prismatic ray from above that hits a random enemy and deals 60000 pure damage to it, ignoring armor and shields. Nearby enemies take 40% of the damage done by the ray. Emits two rays at once.
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
Once in a while, summons a prismatic ray from above that hits a random enemy and deals 100000 pure damage to it, ignoring armor and shields. Nearby enemies take 50% of the damage done by the ray.
Emits three rays at once. The rays ignore the enemies’ immunities.

Snake Charmer
Class: Mage
Weapon Type: Orb
Source for Materials (in order): Gem Bay, Portal, Arena, Dungeon
Unofficial Summary: To be added later.
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
Once in a while, summons snakes with one of the following effects:
Reduce the armor of all enemies by 20% for 5 sec.
Deal 15000 damage to all enemies.
Reduce the attack speed of all enemies by 20% for 5 sec.
Reduce the healing and resurrection efficiency of all enemies by 20% for 5 sec.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
Once in a while, summons snakes with one of the following effects:
Reduce the armor of all enemies by 30% for 6 sec.
Deal 35000 damage to all enemies.
Reduce the attack speed of all enemies by 30% for 5 sec.
Reduce the healing and resurrection efficiency of all enemies by 30% for 5 sec.
When an ally dies, summons snakes out of turn.
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
Once in a while, summons snakes with the following effects:
Reduce the armor of all enemies by 35% for 5 sec.
Deal 50000 damage to all enemies. Reduce the attack speed of all enemies by 35% for 5 sec.
Reduce the healing and resurrection efficiency of all enemies by 35% for 5 sec.
When an ally dies, summons snakes out of turn.
Allows the snake language to be spoken.

Class: Mage
Weapon Type: Wand
Source for Materials (in order): Dungeon, Gem Bay. Arena, Portal
Unofficial Summary:
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
With each attack, blesses the ally with the lowest health. The efficiency of all healing received by the unit is increased by 20%.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
With each attack, the ally with the lowest health is blessed. The efficiency of all healing received by the unit is increased by 27%
Two additional allies are healed for 30% of the healing received by the blessed fighter.
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
With each attack, the ally with the lowest health is blessed. The efficiency of all healing received by the unit is increased by 35%.
Two additional allies are healed for 35% of the healing received by the blessed fighter. Damage done by the blessed fighter is increased by 275%.
He also becomes immune to stun, freeze, mind control, silence, and fear.

Class: Mage
Weapon Type: Wand
Source for Materials (in order): Portal, Dungeon, Arena, Gem Bay,
Nickname: Ash because this set used to be called Ashbringer and the Ash nickname has stuck.
Unofficial Summary:
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
Sets an enemy on fire if its health is below 50% dealing 36000 damage over 5 sec. The burning enemy receives 30% less healing and health when resurrected.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
Sets an enemy on fire if its health is below 50%, dealing 60000 damage over 5 sec.
The burning enemy receives 50% less healing and health when resurrected. If an enemy dies while burning, it can’t be resurrected for 6 sec.
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
Sets an enemy on fire if its health is below 50%, dealing 100000 damage over 5 sec.
The burning enemy receives 65% less healing and health when resurrected. If an enemy dies while burning, it can’t be resurrected for 8 sec.
Once in a while, a fire blast occurs, dealing 100000 damage to all enemies. Burning enemies receive 65% more damage from this ability.

Ice Angler
Class: Mage
Weapon Type: Wand
Source for Materials: To be added.
Unofficial Summary: To be added.
Bonus for collecting a set: 2 items
Once in a while, the unit fires a volley of 2 icicles at random enemies. Each icicle deals 15000 magic damage and freezes the target. If an icicle hits a frozen enemy, it deals an extra 5000 magic damage. While frozen, the units are unable to move or attack for 0.7 sec. Also, the cooldown times of the enemies’ gear abilities and artifact abilities are increased by 0.7 sec.
Bonus for collecting a set: 4 items
Once in a while, the unit fires 2 volleys of 2 icicles at random enemies. Each icicle deals 20000 magic damage and freezes the target. If an icicle hits a frozen enemy, it deals an extra 8000 magic damage. While frozen, the units are unable to move or attack for 0.7 sec. Also, the cooldown times of the enemies’ gear abilities and artifact abilities are increased by 0.7 sec. Once in a while, when an enemy tries to freeze or burn the unit, that unit removes those effects from themself. All enemies have the cooldown times of all their abilities (except those granted by the set equipped) increased by 5%.
Bonus for collecting a set: 6 items
Once in a while, the unit fires 4 volleys of 2 icicles at random enemies. Each icicle deals 45000 (+bonus of spell power) magic damage and freezes the target. If an icicle hits a frozen enemy, it deals an extra 15000 (+bonus of spell power) magic damage. While frozen, the units are unable to move or attack for 0.7 sec. Also, the cooldown times of the enemies’ gear abilities and artifact abilities are increased by 0.7 sec. The unit is healed, the amount of health restored equaling 10% of the damage done by the icicles. Also, when an icicle hits an enemy, all allies are healed, the amount of health restored equaling 10% of the damage done by the icicle.
Once in a while, when an enemy tries to use a movement restricting effect on the unit, the unit removes that effect from themself. Also, the unit is immune to freezing and burning. All enemies have the cooldown times of all their abilities (except those granted by the set equipped) increased by 10%. Every 2 sec, the unit launches an icicle at a random enemy.