What is Crit
A Critical Attack is a basic attack of the weapon that deals double the base weapon damage for that one attack.
If that sentence confuses you, read about the relationship between damage per second (dps) and damage per attack in the Damage page.
Basically, each swing of the weapon deals damage called “base weapon damage”. This is opposed to abilities which happen “once in a while” or “on ally death” etc. We’re only talking about base weapon damage here.
The “damage per attack” could be higher or lower than the more prominently displayed “damage per second” based on attack speed. Again, explained in great detail on the damage page.
Where does Crit come from?
Like all attributes, Crit comes from a number of places:
- The base amount the fighter has from their fighter training level.
- Gear. The bonuses in on the fighter’s gear, including both built-in and from gems.
- Hero skills that increase Crit.
- The special abilities of the fighter or their allies. For example, a common special ability for souls is to “once in a while increase the crit of all allied archers”. This happens dynamically and will not show in the fighters attributes.
Calculating Crit
Crit and Dodge are “probability stats”. With Crit that means that with each attack (swing of the weapon) there is a probability (a roll of the dice) that it will be a Critical Attack (and deal double damage).
Probability stats are considered the least desirable since you can just be unlucky and not get them regardless of how high the attribute is.
I am currently contacting the people who have done insane work to discover the exact formula for calculating the probability of a Crit attack based on the fighter’s training level their target’s training level, and the fighter’s crit bonus value. I hope to include their work here with appropriate citation.