My Lords and Miladies, the Galactic Turmoil will begin very soon! New runes, unique skins, castle skins, an artifact, and many other rewards are waiting for you! Expect Shrum at the gates of your castles!
The May 2022 event will be a Rune Event. These are the events with the cards and the island. If you have never done a rune event or just want a refresher on what these look like, here is an old Pro Legit Mike video where he plays one:
This time we’re getting runs for Amulets. Plus one event artifact. Read on for the June Donkey artifact, too.
Leaks taken from VK
“Shooting Star” Artifact
Triggered: Once in a while
“Rage of the Stars”No Rune: The fighter creates a bright burst of light around him. All enemies take {} magic damage and are blinded for {} seconds. Blinded enemies have a {} chance to miss. Also, all enemies have their maximum health reduced by {} every second for {} seconds.
Rune of Transformation: The fighter creates a bright flash of light around him. All enemies take {} magic damage and are blinded for {} seconds. and cannot move for {}s. Blinded enemies have a {} chance to miss. Also, all enemies have their maximum health reduced by {} every second for {} seconds.

Rune of “Omnipotence” (Warrior)
Axe: When a fighter uses a weapon’s basic ability, they strike a large area around them, dealing {} physical damage to all enemy fighters.Daggers: Once in a while, when a unit’s target dies, their maximum health is increased by {} of the dead unit’s maximum health for {} seconds. Also, this enemy unit cannot be resurrected for {} seconds.
Mace: Once in a while, when the basic ability of the weapon is triggered, the target of the fighter is set on fire or poisoned. When burning, the enemy takes {} damage and reduces their incoming healing by {} for {} seconds. When Poisoned, the enemy takes {} damage over {} seconds. Attack speed and damage are reduced by {} per second.
Spear: Has a {} chance when a fighter dodges an enemy attack to deal {} attack damage and disarm them for {} seconds. A disarmed opponent cannot use the weapon’s abilities.
Sword: Once in a while, a random enemy mage’s Spell Power is reduced by {} for {} seconds. It also increases the recharge time of equipment and artifact abilities.

Rune of “Knowledge” (Mage)
Grimoire: Once in a while, reduces the damage of all enemies by {} for {} s
Wand: Once in a while, removes all debuffs from a random allied fighter
Orb: Once in a while, if the allied fighter has less {} health, he recovers {} health and increases his physical armor by {} and his magical armor by {} over {} seconds.
Scepter: Removes 1 random debuff from a random allied unit every other time and increases their damage by {} for {} seconds.

Rune of “Vigilance” (Archer)
Bow: The less health a fighter has, the higher their evasion. When a unit dodges an attack, it has a {} chance to fire {} quick shots at the attacking enemy. Each shot deals {} damage.
Crossbow: Every {} seconds, the fighter fires an additional shot at their target. The shot deals {} damage. This shot cannot be dodged.
Shotgun: Once in a while, when a fighter summons a minion, then all the enemy mages take damage equal to {} from their spell power. Also, all enemy mages have their spell power reduced by {} for {} seconds.
Galactic Turmoil Skins (Bow, Orb, Axe, Armor) and ,
Santa Alien Skins (Crossbow and Gear),
Meteor Shower Weather (Per Pass),
Oktokian Mount (Real Promotion Special),
Artifact from June Donkey
Triggers : Once in a while
“Kill Beam”No Rune: Fire a black beam at a random enemy unit that bounces at {} units, dealing {} magic damage to them. If an enemy unit has less than {} health left, they die.
Rune of Transformation: Fires a black beam at a random enemy unit that bounces at {} units, dealing {} magic damage to them. If an enemy unit has less than {} health left, they die. When an enemy dies from the beam, {} random enemy fighters are frightened for {} seconds.